Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Story From Dave

Dave Miller, a faithful driver for the Collection Center, regularly has the opportunity to pick up furniture donations to be distributed to those in need. In the story below, we learn of how Dave recently had an unexpected donation pick-up where he left with something completely different than anticipated, and so did the donor…

About two weeks ago, on a Wednesday afternoon, Dave drove to a local home to pick up a couch. One tricky element in receiving donated goods is the importance of excellence – for all items being offered from the ministry they must not have stains, tears, or be in need of cleaning or repair. Unfortunately, when Dave arrived at this donor’s home their couch was in need of cleaning, from a pet that happened to enjoy the couch a bit too much. Dave informed the donor that although Water Street Ministries greatly appreciates their desire to give, that he wouldn’t be able to accept this couch due to the concern of allergies among those receiving such donations. He also shared the importance the Collection Center upholds in the need to maintain a standard of quality for all donated goods.

Dave was happily surprised that this donor’s response wasn’t at all one of disappointment, even though they were not able to accept her couch. Instead, she shared with Dave that she wanted to actually support the ministry for the faithfulness of driving all the way to her home to help her get rid of her couch. She then went on to share that only the day prior, she had read in the newspaper about some of the needs that are really growing for non-profit organizations in Lancaster, and knew that this was an opportunity that she didn’t want to miss to give to the ministry of Water Street Ministries. And with her own excitement to give she exclaimed, “I want to write you a check!” Dave was absolutely shocked! This was the first time in 8 years, as one of the drivers for the Collection Center, that he received a check for Water Street Ministries.

As she was writing the check, she mentioned that that she was hoping to have the couch moved from inside the house to the garage. She asked if there was any way that Dave and Anthony (a volunteer) would be willing to move her couch. When Dave said that they would give it a try, she said you really don’t have to, but Dave and Anthony were able to bless her with her request. Together they shared a similar generosity, and insisted that they wouldn’t mind trying.

After this transfer of blessings took place (between the transporting of the couch, and the gift to the ministry) both the donor and Dave were ecstatic! Both had received an unexpected blessing through their engagement with the needs around them. God worked extravagantly through this situation.

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