Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Testimony of Provision - from the Lydia Center

The Lydia Center offers a recovery and life change program for women. Through the grace of God, staff and residents continually experience changes amidst the recovery process, that are completely beyond their own expectations. Below a current resident at the Lydia Center shares about how God has worked miraculously on her behalf through a situation that seemed impossible.

A few months ago I was falsely accused of stealing by my boss while working at a spa in New Jersey. I was told that I was no longer needed. As a result I was absolutely devastated. My boss had targeted me because she knew that my past involved alcohol and drug abuse. A co-worker of mine who was also an investor in the company had a different perspective from the beginning. She believed that I was innocent, but my boss felt that I was to blame and stood her ground.

I came to Lydia Center broken and hurt over the situation until last week when God brought dramatic healing in my life. I received a message from the lady who was behind me from the beginning saying that my boss who accused me was “rightfully” terminated as president and owner of the company and that she has taken over. The first thing she said that was on her list was to call Lauren and “make things right for her “wrongful” termination. She gives her support to me and that I have my job back when I return home! God is Awesome!

Lauren – Lydia Center resident

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