Monday, June 08, 2009

Teen Haven theme for Summer Camp 2009

Teen Haven Summer Camp is only 2 weeks away. So, there is much excitement in the air as details and plans come together in preparation for the hundreds of youth that will attend camp.

This summer, the camp messages will be centered on this theme...

As I’ve pondered the relevance of this message of how our strength is from Him, I believe it has incredible potential to impact the youth attending camp. God’s calling has the ability to cause the youth to step up their faith to a new level of endurance; empowering them to become strengthened, stretched, and equipped for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Psalm 68:35 (New International Version)
You are awesome, O God, in your sanctuary;
the God of Israel gives power and STRENGTH to his people.
Praise be to God!

Join me in praying that as youth prepare to meet with God, this summer….

- That in the woodsy sanctuary they would experience peace, solitude and the beauty of nature,

- and that through the crazy games, sports, gym and camp activities,

- along with times of sharing and accountability during chapel, cabin devotions, campfire chats and Bible studies

… That the awesome presence of God would reveal itself to each camper, and that they would feel God’s saving grace, acceptance, and unconditional love – each which invites them to be strengthened in Him!

As I lift this prayer up for the youth, my hope is that I too will never get satisfied in my walk with God. It’s exciting that I have the privilege to go to His sanctuary (at home, at work, or anywhere)… but only IF I CHOOSE TO LISTEN for the calling of God, which urges me to become stronger, in Him alone. It’s through those “ah-ha” moments of peace, and surrender that as we put our trust in him, I believe he’ll speak to us a new challenge –to overcome obstacles, and to become stronger, as we journey with Him.

Janae Dagen – Teen Haven Secretary

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