Thursday, June 04, 2009

A story about Al

“I’m having a ball,” says the gleamingly upbeat Al as we share a conversation over lunch. It’s been 21 months since Al graduated from the Christian Life Development Program, and he is still bursting with energy and enthusiasm when he shares how God is continuing to bless his life. “I never thought I could have fun,” says Al.

Since moving out of Water Street Mission, Al maintains a close relationship with the Mission and has established his own form of ‘outreach’ ministry with the clients. On any given day you can find Al ‘reaching-out,’ whether it be roaming the halls chatting and joking with staff, sharing his testimony with the clients, or feasting in the lunch room. “The Word is not just for me, I’m here to spread the Word,” says Al.

When you can’t find him at Water Street Mission, Al is an active member of Faith Tabernacle Church of God in Christ in Lancaster, Pa. “I joined the choir, and tried to be at every event,” Al said, with ‘event’s’ meaning anything from small group-oriented bible studies to Vacation Bible School for children. The pastor of Faith Tabernacle, Gerald Simmons, has become a close friend and mentor to Al. When Al was still a client, Pastor Simmons would come to Water Street Mission every Sunday and take Al to the services in the church van. Through repeated visits to the church, Al felt God was asking him to, “Try me. If you don’t like me, what have you lost?” The invitation was life changing.

Today you can still find Al singing hymns and discussing verses with fellow passengers on the way to church from behind the steering wheel. Having worked many years as a bus driver, Al has taken over responsibility of making sure others get to the services every Sunday. “I invite them [friends and clients of the Mission] to my church,” Al explains, “And when they start telling me they live too far away to come, I ask, ‘What’s your address? I’ll come and pick you up. What’s your excuse now?’” He says he’s “doing for others what others have done for me.”

Being a part of Water Street Ministries and Faith Tabernacle Church of God has shown Al the value of quality and healthy relationships. “It is important to know someone will be there if I need them,” says Al. These strong relationships have grounded his life and provided a positive alternative to reverting back to his old patterns. “Prayer is the key,” states Al. “Trying to live day to day, following God’s word.”

- Jon Sullenberger, volunteer

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