Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Are you a Noun or an Adjective?

In the book of Acts, at the church in Antioch, “the disciples were first called Christians.” The noun “Christian” describes those who had devoted themselves to Christ. Jesus, and who they believed He was, directed and drove their lives.

How does that relate to the ministry of Rescue and Renewal that God works out through the various ministries of WSRM and specifically Outreach Ministries?

Well, the adjective “Christian” is often used to describe music, books, authors and TV programs, and generally, the “Christian” aspects of Outreach ministries that help set us apart from other groups attempting to do the same work. However, it is the noun, the person who God uses (Kerry, Jose, Ed, Pat, Bill, Lois, Jackie, Carl, Don, etc.) that should really set us apart from other agencies and organizations. The life I live with Christ, central to who I am, should dictate my thoughts, actions and motivations personally and programmatically.

Am I managing “Christian” (adjective) programs, hoping that the Gospel takes hold and lives are changed as a result?

Or, am I as a Christian, reflecting my Savior in the day-to-day, reflecting the hope, mercy and grace – challenging myself and those God allows to cross my path, with the reality of my Savior and the implications that holds for all life?

Father God, do not allow me to become comfortable in my faith or in my work, in my family or in Your Ministry. Constantly challenge me, wrestle with me as I struggle to articulate who Christ is to a world that does not know Him – and often denies Him – that I might continue to grow into the image of the Risen Savior and Your Name might be glorified throughout the earth

To God be the glory!

PS: Want to be challenged? My Book of the Month (maybe I can start a popular club like Oprah and get my books for free!) is Rob Bell’s “Velvet Elvis.” Articulate and challenging, this book has challenged my thought processes and convicted me of the sometimes shallowness of my faith (I KNOW that I am the only one who wrestles with that!). Pick it and be blessed – after you get past the uncomfortableness.

-Rick Rutter, Outreach Ministries Director

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