Wednesday, May 17, 2006

His work done in His way

Because our shelter is open to homeless women and children, we meet ladies from every background and situation. The circumstances that bring women here are as many and varied as the women themselves. Life has not been kind to many of our residents, and many wounds go deep.

Coming to the mission as a women’s counselor after nearly 30 years in hospital administration, was much more than a breath of fresh air. Sharing Jesus with hurting women, lending a listening ear, seeking solutions to life’s problems within the pages of God’s Word, and praying with them for restoration and healing brings blessing beyond description.

And for this, I receive a paycheck! How I thank God for the privilege of sharing in His work. I thank Him, too, for my family – not perfect, but so much more than I deserve.

The phrase, “There but for the grace of God go I,” took on new meaning for me. Had I not had the blessing of believing parents, I too could be homeless, sharing my story with one of our counselors today.

- Vicki Bollman, Women’s Ministry Director

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