Friday, May 19, 2006


A few weeks ago, a young man named Brian Woolfolk, was killed on the streets of Philadelphia. Brian used to be a counselor for Teen Haven, and although he had his share of struggles, he recently recommitted his life to Christ, and had been getting together with Curtis Wayns, one of our counselors in Philly.

Curtis wrote the following tribute to his friend Brian:

Brian Dupree Davis-Woolfolk
Sunrise: October 23rd, 1986
Sunset: April 23rd, 2006

Brian, 19, was a true blessing to me, and I had the privilege of knowing and growing in Christ with him for 11 years. Brian accepted Christ as his personal savior at a young age, and was involved with Teen Haven in various ways, learning how to serve the Lord. He was an assistant supervisor, helping lead other youth to Christ, and trying his best to be a proper godly example in his life. He served in the kitchen at camp rubbing elbows with others while preparing food. He was one of my right hand men helping in the city ministry with clubs and activities, among other things.

Brian and I had a Paul and Timothy relationship, and his love for the Lord helped me in a lot of ways. We would go at it at times arguing, yelling, etc. Even when we had disagreements though, the Lord of course stepped in to mend and bond us closer to each other and to Him.

We always went at it in basketball, and after 10 years of trying, he finally beat me a couple of months ago. Score: Brian 32 Curt 18.

Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom, gently closed the eyes of our beloved Brian, and I will always still feel his presence. I feel him saying, “Don’t be sad, I’m home now.”

Brian had a favorite spiritual he would hum at time, “If it had not been for the Lord, where would I be?” I echo that big time!

Through his many struggles, Brian persevered, and his favorite verse he stood on was I Timothy 4:12, “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” He did his best to make this verse alive in his young life.

I will miss his laugh, miss him making me laugh, miss our long talks on the steps and on the phone, and I am motivated even more to live my life in honor of Brian and the many more youth like him that I have grown with who are now home.

Rodney, Chris, Terrill, Gina, James, Hakeem, Daniel, Mike, Marvin, E.C., Yasin, Marc, Aaron, etc., echo everything written, and we all look forward to seeing you again eternally, in His time. We shall meet again, love you forever brother, son, buddy!!!

Blest by the Best – Curtis Wayns – I Cor. 15:57 – Teen Haven

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