Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Blessed to serve

I often said that when I could retire I would do volunteer work. Well! I haven’t quite yet, but decided I have a few hours to spare! My husband attended a meeting for volunteers at WSRM and came home with a long list of areas in need of help. I noticed the clinic was in need of extra hands, so I asked the Lord if this is where he could use me. After a couple of weeks of praying and thinking it over, His answer was yes.

I called the clinic and spoke to Gale Thomason and made an appointment. When I arrived I was a bit nervous about the new experience. But to my surprise Millie, the staff nurse, put me right to work. Wow! What a fulfilling experience. It’s also been two-fold: I am learning so much as a new nurse and am also helping others in need.

My son asked me if I felt safe, a misconception many people have. I replied that the people who come to the clinic treat me with such respect and kindness that I never thought about being unsafe. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity and look forward to returning each week. If it is just to pat a hand, lend an ear or help someone feel a bit better before seeing the doctor, this is true nursing!

- Claudette L. Murphy, LPN

And if you spend yourself on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. Isaiah 58:10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice blog. It's fun to listen to God isn't it. Keep up the good work and God will bless you hole family. PJ