Friday, May 05, 2006

Lessons from the workplace...the Lydia Center

A few stray tears spilled over and ran down my cheeks as I processed the news I’d just been given. I was sitting in the business office at the Lydia Center where I work, and the director, Lori, had just told me of another lady who was going to be leaving our program. She was the third of four during that week in February.

Sadly and with a heavy heart I asked Lori, “When will they get it?” She gently reminded me how the Lord must ask the same question as he looks at the choices we make. Later as we as staff processed the leaving of so many women in such a short time, Lori shared Matthew 23:37, “o Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.”

At the Lydia Center I feel I am experiencing a bit of the heart of God as I walk alongside women and observe some of the poor choices some make as they choose to return to old lifestyles or refuse to allow the Lord to penetrate their hearts. Sometimes I feel as Jesus, weeping over Jerusalem. My disappointment and grief of the hardness of their hearts can only be a fraction of what the Lord Himself experiences.

Simultaneously, I am humbled over and over by what Lori pointed out that day to me. How many times does the Lord shed those same tears that I shed in the office as He observes my pride and refusal to allow Him lordship over every area of my life? May I be found continually surrendering all of my life and choices to the Lord.

-Lorene Brubaker, Lydia Center counselor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's so nice that you have a place for women. I always wondered why the Water Street Rescue Mission seemed to me to only rescue men, I wondered what happens to homeless women then? But, it seems that you are doing a wonderful job in helping both the men and women. Thank you!