Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Thoughts from the new girl

So what brought me here?

I previously worked for Keystone Custom Homes in Willow Street. My main job was to assist my clients with $$ information as well as perform their final settlement, in which I got to place shiny new keys into their eager hands.

This was all GREAT, except for that feeling deep down inside that told me I wanted something more. I ignored it…for a long time, not really caring if I was supposed to be somewhere else… I was comfortable there OK?!

Ha-ha, funny how our comfort doesn’t always matter to God. It just so happened that every day on my way to Willow Street I would drive past Water Street- I believe my foot let off the gas each time I passed- I wanted to look at the people. Not because I wanted to mock or because I had a staring problem, but because something in my stomach gave me a funny feeling…it told me- even though I don’t know those people, I love them, and I want to help them.

Fast forward a few months.

*Amy gets suckered into buying three months of the Sunday Newspaper*

One Sunday after church I randomly flipped open the classifieds and saw in big letters “Water Street Rescue Mission”. Of course this caught my attention so I read on…

Several weeks later, I found myself in and out of an interview, and faced with a decision to make. (I did not major in decision making, there for this was a very difficult task.)

Do you ever find yourself faced with these thoughts and questions? :
“But God, I’m comfortable here!”
“My friends are here…”
“Why did I even have to see that ad in the paper? Life was so easy before this…”
“God, could you please speak a little louder? Because I’m not sure I’m hearing you right…you want me to go where?!”

Well, after lots of thought, prayer, WSRM blog reading etc. (Which by the way is one tool God used to bring me to a decision, I loved reading everyone’s thoughts and stories- it made me want to experience first hand God’s work at the mission). I finally came to a decision, which you are now all aware of.

Working here has been great so far. I do not regret the decision at all. Of course there are moments that seem overwhelming, but God’s peace reminds me how He brought me here. Plus, instead of just driving past the people I love every day, I get to see them, say hi to them, and hopefully soon build relationships with them.

Handing keys over to new homeowner’s was a joyful experience, but somehow it doesn’t quite compare to being a part of handing over eternal keys to a place we can all call home.

-Amy Wright, Development Assistant

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