Thursday, August 31, 2006

God provides

As our women come into WSRM and allow the Lord to change their lives, they very often impact others outside the Mission. The following is a recent testimony from a resident who is working in the community at a secular job.

“I get to work about an hour early every day (due to bus schedules), so during this time I do my devotions. A fellow worker would come into the breakroom and after awhile we started to share about what God was doing in our lives. I shared that I was beginning to look for my own place, and that I may have found one, and what I would have to spend to get it.

One morning this coworker came up to my register and handed me a card. I was going to open it later, but she asked me to open it right away. I did, and in this card was a LOVE GIFT of $375 to help me pay my security deposit.

And in the meantime all the people that I work with are helping me with furniture, a TV, an air conditioner, and cleaning supplies. God has surely placed some really special people in my life. And I give all PRAISE to Him.”

-Elaine Hostetter, Women's Ministry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elaine, that is so cool!!! God is so good! He provides for the women in ways that all of us do not expect! Praying for all of you! God Bless!