Friday, May 26, 2006

Blast from the past

A number of months ago, my wife and I took the girls to the pet store to look at the animals (that’s as close as we’ll get to a pet for a while – when you’ve still got three to potty train, you don’t really need a dog to mess with as well).

While looking at the hamsters, mice, and lizards, I heard a familiar voice. Elias came walking up from behind me and gave me a big hug. Elias was one of the kids I met early on in my time running the Youth Center, and I always felt he had great potential. But like many kids, he preferred to “flirt” with Jesus rather than really commit. He never got pulled into the “really” bad stuff that some of his friends did, but he had a bit of a temper and had a baby at a very young age. I wasn’t sure whether he would ever let go and truly follow Christ.

That night at the pet store, Elias caught me up on the last few years of his life. Short version: he is married with three kids, has a good job, a house, and most importantly – he has recommitted his life to Christ and is attending a strong, bible-teaching church. He is even involved in leadership of an outreach ministry of the church. He thanked me for the years at the youth center and assured me that even though it didn’t seem like it then, what we did and said and taught had a huge impact on him.

To be completely honest, I was ecstatic as I hugged Elias again and said goodbye that night, but a part of me wondered how much of his story was for real… he wouldn’t be the first kid to tell me what they think I want to hear rather than the truth. But it seemed real, and my heart felt that it was.

Two days ago, a gentleman from that church was visiting the mission, and we had a chance to talk. I asked if he knew Elias, and my heart leapt as he told me what an outstanding young man and leader Elias is becoming. Praise God.

Sometimes we see fruit in our ministry right away, sometimes we never do, and sometimes God blesses us with a blast from the past.

-Jack Crowley, Teen Haven Director

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Jack how awesome! Thanks so much for sharing that! How I long to believe that about men's ministry AND for every guy. Granted I can think of at least 2 examples. Did I ever write the story of Mike? I think I did - if not I prob should. Thanks again for your encouragement to press on, thru this story! CA