Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A change of life

Ten months ago I was living in a smelly, roach infested motel room. I had no hope of living another day. Then my brother brought me to the Water Street Rescue Mission.
My first night was spent in the Men’s Emergency Shelter. The next day I spoke to a chaplain. He explained the three program options available to me. I chose the 15 week Christian Life Development Program. The goal of this program is to teach life changing skills through the teachings of Jesus Christ.
As a requirement of the C.L.D. program, I was assigned a task. My job as “Deskman” was to see to the needs of new clients coming into the shelter. This was very difficult for me because all my life I have avoided interacting with people. Through participation in the C.L.D. program I learned to treat all people with gentleness, kindness, dignity, and respect.
In applying this knowledge my outlook on life has become more hopeful, and I feel more a part of the community of believers in Christ. Thoughts of taking my life have been replaced with thoughts of giving my life in service to the Lord. For this I am thankful to the community at the Water Street Rescue Mission.

- Lane (client and learning center student - WSRM)

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