Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A stranger's impact

When you pass by people on the street do you find yourself wondering what their unique story is? I often wonder who they are, where they came from, how they got here, and are they the person they want to be?

As a child passing by strangers and in the company of strangers, we were taught by grown-ups to not talk to them. Some, if not many of us carry that over into adulthood. Working at a mission gives you a unique opportunity: to talk to, learn from and fellowship with strangers. That is great blessing!

Could you imagine Jesus not talking to and not healing strangers? I sure can’t.

I am not sure when it was that I lost that old adage of not talking to strangers. I am surely glad that I don’t follow the motto any more. I certainly have been blessed by many strangers here at the Mission. Building relationships with the residents and clients is quite rewarding to say the least.

Our residents here are soooo uniquely awesome. If you’ve never worked for a mission I encourage you to volunteer at one. Don’t walk, but RUN to your nearest mission, homeless shelter or soup-kitchen. Do as Jesus commands us to do, "Love as I have loved you".

- Lisa Shopf, Assistant to the President

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