Thursday, March 02, 2006

A gentle answer...

My wife teaches me a lot about life and God… recently, the teenage girl who was living with us was trying our patience a bit: getting in trouble at school, lying, etc. After getting a phone call from her school explaining that she once again arrived without her uniform and then told the teacher she didn’t have access to laundry facilities, my wife was ready to explode. You see, my wife does laundry 3-4 times a week (we have 4 young daughters) and has offered just about every night to do our young guest’s laundry as well.

Wouldn’t you know, though, that Tanya’s quiet time that morning included Proverbs 15:1, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

All her planning of the right words to use to rip into our guest and put her in her place was going to be for naught. When she arrived home from school, Tanya gently asked to speak with her in the kitchen for a few minutes. Somehow Tanya let all the anger and rage drift away, and calmly explained how much we cared for the young lady, her surprise at the story she felt compelled to make up, and to once again offer to do her laundry.

Our guest didn’t say a word (she was prepared for the barrage of anger she usually receives from adults in her life), and after a few minutes left the room. When Tanya finished prepping dinner, she walked into the living room to find a basket of the girl’s clothes and a remorseful young lady. For the next 10 minutes, our guest apologized and thanked Tanya again and again. She didn’t instantly turn into an angel, but the last several days before she returned to live with her father were much better.

She still stops by several times a week, and is continuing to come to our church’s youth group. She also looks at Tanya like she does few other adults.

-Jack Crowley (Teen Haven Director)

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