Thursday, March 23, 2006

A story of change

Hi! I am writing about my life at the Mission. This is my second time here. I came here once in 2003 and left after 3 months because I didn’t really like the rules. Now this time I have changed. I feel I am growing in faith and finding myself. I never felt this stable and balanced like I feel in here. I have 3 children with me and they are now on a routine.

From going to Daily Devotions and nightly Chapel, I started to really focus on the BIBLE and GODS WORD. I used to have a little faith and even though I believed in GOD I didn’t know Him personally. I used to feel that I had nobody to really turn to and understand me. But when I received CHRIST as my personal Savior, I realized HE is the only one who will never leave me.

I came here after I realized that I needed help. I didn’t come because I had to, but because I wanted to change my life around. I didn’t have a drug or alcohol problem, but a problem of not being stable. I used to live with family and friends, and I couldn’t save money up because I always spent it. I realized that I or my children didn’t have to live like that anymore. I used to go out and party every weekend and wasn’t a good mother to my children. Now that I am here with a nightly curfew, nightly alcohol testing, and random drug testing I am more on myself. Because if I would fail any of those test, I and my children would have to leave and because of my mistakes and selfishness they would be out on the streets.

I have been here for almost 9 months, and in these 9 months I have become a different but better person. I meet with my counselor, Miss Cheryl every week and we talk about what is going on in my life and my personal relationship with God. I have gained my certificate for Child Care Provider Workshop and I am currently working to finish my GED. I have only Math to pass and then I am done!

Coming here I have learned a lot of about patience, principals, morals and values. Not every day is a good day and you just want to quit, but I realize now that if I just keep reading God’s Word and really believing it, I can get through anything as long as I just trust Him. I am really grateful for the Mission and all that it is providing for me and my children because without it I wouldn’t had made it this far. Thanks.

-Erika, a WSRM resident

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