Thursday, March 16, 2006


What can I say?
Deciding what to write about has always been a greater challenge for me than the actual writing. In fact, coming up with a theme has sometimes been agonizing for me. So, as I approach the writing of this blog, I come with a great deal of uncertainty. I therefore resort to writing about what I know – uncertainty.

In our ministry to the women and children here at Water Street Rescue Mission, we in the Women’s Division need to constantly remind ourselves that, though we may be uncertain, God is never so.

We begin each day with a time of staff prayer and commitment, not because we have all the answers, but because God does. What a blessing to know that the God of the universe knows and cares about each hurting woman and child who will come our way on any given day. What a joy to share His Word with each of them and to be a part of His Work at Water Street Rescue Mission. What a comfort to know that no situation or circumstance catches our Heavenly Father off guard and nothing is too big for Him to handle.

I thank God for the uncertainty that drives me into His presence and forces me to call on Him day by day, moment by moment, and for the absolute certainty that He hears and answers.

-Vicki Bollman, Director of Women’s Ministry

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