Monday, March 06, 2006

A different treatment

During a Monday evening clinic session a gentleman living in another shelter came into the clinic to see the physician. He had been drinking and was somewhat upset and while in the clinic became agitated by a situation. The doctor and staff encouraged him to go to the hospital to detox.

As he came from the treatment room after talking to the doctor, one of our volunteer nurses suggested that we gather around this gentleman and pray for him. He agreed and the staff formed a circle around him and lifted him to the Lord in prayer. As we prayed he was quieted and wept and joined us by offering his own prayer.

The following Monday he returned to the clinic, sober and a different man. He had in fact followed through and had gone to detox and was now back at his previous program. During the next 1-2 weeks he again returned to see us and shared that he had found a job and was beginning work the following day.

Prayer changes situations, but more importantly it changes hearts. Praise God!

-Jean Benedict, RN, Water Street Medical Clinic

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