Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Thoughts from a volunteer

Right after graduation, I began volunteering at the youth center at my church, but then had to stop after my new job monopolized the majority of my time and energy. After that job did not work out, I suddenly had a lot of free time, and wanted to keep busy while I searched for a new job. After prayer for some guidance and direction, God led me to the Water Street Rescue Mission to volunteer, as I was interested in possibly working for a non-profit organization. I appreciated the work that the Mission was accomplishing in the community, and wanted to contribute my time and talent.

As a volunteer, I assisted the Development Department to allow the staff to focus on the tasks that only they were trained to do. I arranged the Thanksgiving meal tickets into a bulletin board display, trained to assist and cover for the receptionist, and helped with other basic office work. From my experience volunteering here, I have enjoyed seeing the devoted reliance on Christ’s guidance for the success of this organization.

Most importantly, I have also learned that any help, no matter how insignificant it may seem, greatly contributes to the changing of lives that occurs daily at the Water Street Rescue Mission.

- Sara Miller, volunteer (now part-time office staff)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't Christ guide the homeless to a job too?